Oct 162020

Shop set us up.

We would never have bought so much

Never that

I could have made it better

It was a spur of the moment thing

Impulse buy


How stupid

Not stupid, how dare anyone say that

Just in-cautious, rushed and un-calculated.

Is anything the Wrong thing at all we wonder.

Better leave serious thinking until after sunrise and let dreams repair the punctures.

Aug 102020


Yes, I want to talk about happy things and smile and see everyone smile and sing and dance and all that good stuff.

Today, give me a moment, I can’t seem to do that.

Today the world is not complying with this happy thing.

War, latent destruction, dismal disregard and suchlike.

But I, soon after despair kicks me in the chest and belly at the same time, when I’m not looking, find the sky revealing sun and soaring proud eagles and then it is all searing happy moments.

No trying, just surprise. Only sweet and fine. Every time!

Aug 102020


The crunchy crisp apple.

The sound as I bite into the fruit, the skin gives, the juice and pulp gives its gift.

Refreshing in a way nothing else is, it seems to clean and restore to original condition.

A reliable thing.

If it’s a good one it gives predictable measure of cleansing and taste and the reverential feeling of doing you good.

Aug 092020


At what age did I start to think.

Not the wondering whether I’d get extra ice cream, the curiosity that made me ask big questions.

Why are their bad politicians and no-one is susprised?

Why do we have problems we can solve…they’re still here.

Who is the wisest person in the world?

If bridges can be constructed so they never collapse why do bridges collapse all the time?

If being good makes you happy why do some good people seem so unhappy?

If we invented nuclear fusion why doesn’t everyone have water to drink that keeps them well instead of making them ill?

Why didn’t you tell me that asking the question doesn’t immediately solve the problem?

But the day came when I started to think “perhaps I can do that”.

It’s a start.

Aug 062020


I loved reading the book, but how sad.

Sad that this was one I could not write.

Wrongly so. It turned out what I would write was enjoyed by many and even celebrated by some of them every year.

When you look up at a sculpture you might feel smaller, not that gargantuan eighteen feet tall.

When I looked skyward at the thirty stories of a new building, I wondered how I would ever get to the top.

Now, I am higher than the highest floor and my feet are planted firmly on the ground.

Aug 052020

You can try a bit more

I think I have some in the cupboard

I’ll buy it for you

Tell me how you like it

Next time we’ll go together

Aug 032020

Sound of tin and thunder

I hear the rumbling, the aggravation of rocks, the tremor of concerned skies.

There, beneath all that are the voices of tin. Surly yet weak and wavering they say things that cannot be true and even their songs fall short.

Here we are now with two coins and a banker’s table ready to count all the wrong things.

One day the crystal clear waters will ripple a bit when we mention these memories as if with a tremor of fear at the thought.

We’ve passed the clearing and can see the open vistas ahead.

What was learned thousands of years ago and seemed so solid is true.

And we can sing with strong voice, forte, vibrato-convinced.

Senses and sense, somnolent decor and fighting awakening with the energy of a sapling over time.

Aug 032020

Dripping with laughter we saw an opportunity for continual life and learning.

Beckoned sweetly and with a frame, a reference become blurred by the waving hands of giants.

Some say something others not at all.

We are not tall not small and feel ready to break out of this sore and sodden middle ground.

Telling me things she’d never mentioned before, he swallowed as if a piece of chicken were caught unfortunately.

We are discovering time and we have answers simmering.

A day is too long and too short to stay.

Aug 012020

We and they are together yet we did not see another person at the beginning

Trembling with amusement and gesturing with excitement not seen since the inception we cook up senses like a breakfast omelette

We just want to see you on holiday telling stories, jokes and witty verbal missives

The retreat to sounds, words and shapes should bring us to a conclusion

Jul 312020

I know you know

I know you know what I’m thinking

I don’t need to tell you that

Or that

And those things will be obvious

And then

I wonder if you did know what I was thinking

Because I think you did not

This is coffee not tea

It’s Wednesday and you didn’t do what I thought you would on Tuesday

I wanted to live by the sea and we seem to be cradled halfway up the highest mountain I’ve ever seen

I know you said blue but I thought I would give you yellow

Never mentioned a thing

I wonder if you do know what I was thinking

I will not ask if you knew

Maybe I should not think

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